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Reserve for Heirs

Many people have a heart to make a significant legacy contribution to Food for the Hungry, but don't feel they will have surplus in their estate from which to give. They rightfully want to take care of their own retirement income needs first, and provide for their family's inheritance needs second. What remains in their estate is just enough to cover that, leaving nothing for ministry support.

If this is how you feel about your legacy arrangements at this time, we invite you to take a few minutes to explore a strong financial tool. It provides a secure way to give you a supplemental income stream, insures that your heirs receive the intended reserve, but utilizes some of the reserve now to fund ministry. It's a wonderful way to give at no net cost to you.

If you would be interested in an online or printed presentation of this tool, or if you would simply like to discuss this option further, please contact our Legacy Gifts Coordinator, Sean Mills. He would be happy to help you explore this option.